Safety work boots are designed with the main purpose of protecting your feet against work hazards.
They are basically steel cages for your feet, which may not seem so scary at first, but if you think about it, how many individuals that you know would say that their safety boots are comfortable?
The Dangers of Uncomfortable Safety Work Boots
Lets us face its most safety work boots are heavy, stiff, inflexible and can become quite hot and stuffy at the end of a long hot day.Then, not to mention the hard floors and ground that you are walking on all day, amongst other functions that you need to perform on and off your feet, for many hours at times.
Put all this together, and you are looking at some pretty tired, painful, and even blister covered feet at the end of the day.
So in the end, yes safety work boots can take a toll on your feet, and with long-term use can cause damage and foot conditions.
If you think about it, your feet support your entire body weight, they ensure you have stability, balance and provide shock absorbency.
Your feet perform these functions your entire life. I order for them to fulfill their duty, your feet are comprised of numerous small bones, tendons, ligaments and muscles that interact, not forgetting the 90 000 sweat glands to regulate your body temperature and purge waste products.
Hence, next time you choose a pair of shoes, think of this, and give your feet the respect they deserve by opting for a comfortable and supportive pair of footwear!
Can Your Work Boots Actually Cause Pain
Yes, your work boots can cause pain, depending on your foot type and condition, and whether your work boots offer the right support and comfort features.Most of us do not consider comfort and support when selecting a pair of work boots, but rather focus on their durability and safety features.
Although in the long run, comfort and support are just as important for your feet as keeping them safe, particularly if you suffer from a condition which affects your feet.
As in the case with people suffering from conditions such as diabetes, neuropathy, bunions or even ingrown nails and hammer toe, a specialized work boot needs to be contemplated to prevent pain and further aggravation.
So What Can You Do?
Here are a few tips to help you get the most comfort and support out of your work boots, while still meeting safety standards and having the long-term durability you desire;
Comfortable Fit
I can not stress this fact more, make sure your work boots fit well and comfortable.
Use the socks you are going to be working in when fitting on a pair of work boots. Slide your feet in until your toes are touching the front of the work boot. Bend your knee forward, then make sure that your index finger can between your heel and the back of the shoe.
Check to see if the boots bend at the ball of your feet and not at the arch area.
Once you have established a good fit you can move on to check the rest of the comfort features;
Cushioned Insole
A plushly cushioned insole puts some cushioning between your feet and a hard floor while adding to shock absorbency. You can either buy a shoe with a cushioned insole or buy an insole of your choice separately.
Arch Support
Make sure that you have the right support for your specific arch type.
If you have a flat arch it is best to get a work boot for Flat Feet, if you have a high arch, you can have a look at the best work boots for High Arches. In general terms, an average amount of cushioning and arch support should do if you do not fall in the top two categories.
Appropriate Features
Some features to consider are;
The height of your boot, taller offer more protection but are heavier and harder to put on.The weight of your boot, heavier are more protective and tougher but can cause foot fatigue.
Water resistance, if you work in wet conditions.
Safety toes, for protection against compression hazards and falling objects, you can choose between a steel toe, composite toe or aluminum toe.
Insulation against heat or cold.
Welt, direct, or cement construction which can affect resoling capabilities.
Style, we are all concerned about our looks, so you want something that looks good and performs well. You can look at a Moc Toe original style, pull on, hiker style, or even a western style boot.
The Right Socks
Yes, you heard me, socks are an issue!
They have a great deal to add to the daily comfort and hygiene of your feet. The right socks will regulate temperature, manage moisture, keep your feet dry and prevent the growth of bacteria, and athletes foot.
Heres an excellent article to help you choose the best socks for work boots;
Rotation and Maintenance
Sometimes it is a good idea to rotate your work boots and give them some time to breathe, as well as giving your feet a refreshing change of scenery. Ideally we can all do with two pairs of work shoes, but unfortunately, we do not all have the finances for this.
Another important factor to consider is the care and maintenance of your work boots. Cleaning your work boots correctly and regularly will prevent odor and bacteria from growing in your shoes while prolonging the life of your work boots.
Polishing and conditioning your work boots softens them to be more comfortable on your feet, while taking care of the leather to improve its condition.
In Conclusion
Comfort is key in today’s life but it should never compromise safety.So what we are all ultimately looking for, is the best of both worlds when it comes to safety and comfort in a work boot.
The dream and achievable reality is safety and protection, in a shoe that caresses and supports your feet!