Accurate shoe conversions can help you find the perfect shoe size. Shoe brands, the style of shoe, and gender vary in shoe size. Even unisex shoes need conversion to the perfect size if you are a woman.
A men’s size 8 isn’t the same as a women’s size 8. Men’s shoes are usually longer and wider than women’s shoes. Women have smaller, shorter, and narrower feet than men. How do you convert a women’s shoe size to the correct men’s size shoe?
Gender Shoe Size Conversion
The general rule is that men’s shoes are 1-2 shoe sizes larger than women’s shoes, and unisex styles are based on men’s sizes. A woman would use the same calculations converting women’s sizes to men’s sizes when shopping for a men’s pair of shoes or buying unisex style shoes.
- Standard Shoes. Converting women’s shoe sizes to men’s sizes in standard shoes differ about 1.5-2 sizes. For example, a women size eight would be a men’s 6 or 6.5. Use the same calculations for unisex styles.
- Sneakers. Women’s sneaker sizes are about 1.5 sizes different from men’s sneaker sizes. For example, a women’s size eight sneaker would be equivalent to a men’s sneaker size 6.5.
- Running Shoes. People tend to buy running shoes a half size larger than their standard shoe size. A woman wearing a size 7.5 shoe would shop for a size 8 running shoe in women’s size. If she prefers a unisex or men’s running shoe, she can use the gender conversion shoe size chart to find the perfect running shoes.
- Narrow and Wide Feet. Shoe width range from narrow to extra-wide, and men’s feet are wider than women’s. Women with wide feet can shop for a standard men’s pair of shoes and immediately have that extra width. For wider shoes, look for an E on a men’s shoe size chart to give that bunion or corn extra space.
Comprehensive Printable Shoe Size Table

International Shoe Size Conversion Chart Women To Men
With at least seven shoe size systems globally, a shoe size conversion chart will help find the correct international sizes when converting women to men or men to women shoe sizes.
US and Canadian shoe sizes are interchangeable. You only need to convert the women’s size to men’s size.
US and UK shoe size systems have separate shoe size charts for men, women, and children. UK men sizes are about two sizes smaller than US and women sizes are 2.5 sizes smaller. For example, US size ten men’s shoe is a UK size eight, and women’s US 10 is a 7.5 UK.
European sizing shoe size systems are unisex and don’t differentiate between kids, women, and men. An easy way to convert the US to European shoe sizes is to add 30 to your US size if it is a whole number and 30.5 for a half number. For example, US size 7 is EU size 37 and US size 7.5 is EU size 38. Add 32 or 32.5 when converting men’s sizes. For instance, European shoe sizes size 37.5, and women’s size 7 is a men’s US size 5.5.
We also have articles on what are grade school sizes and grade school sizing explained. That’s only important if you are shopping for younger children.